Monday, October 26, 2020

new words in legal expressions

 आदेश को अंतिम करना - order made absolute

न्यायनिर्णायक कृत्य - adjudicatory functions

अग्रिम विनिर्णय - advance ruling

और इसी प्रकार -  And so on

अधिकार - attribution

अपने हाथ में लेना - Assume to himself

सजीव या निर्जीव - animate or inanimate

विवाह के पूर्व का व्यवहस्थापन - antinupital settlement

प्रकट प्रतिफल - apparent consideration

gag order
  1. a judge's directive forbidding the public disclosure of information on a particular matter.
  2. galling
    1. causing annoyance or resentment; annoying.

Terms often found in newspapers

  ephemeral - lasting for a very short time