Friday, December 20, 2019


A Fortiori - प्रबलतर कारण से
A gratia - अनुग्रह के रूप में
A Posteriori - कार्यकारण तर्क
A priori - पूर्वसिद्धी, कारण कार्य तर्क
A quo - जिससे
A vinculo matrimopnii - विवाह - विच्छेद
Ab extra - बाहर से
Ab ante - पूर्व ही
Ab initio - आरम्भ से
Ab judicatio - न्यायालय से
Actus dei nemini facit injuriam - दैवी कृत्य किसी को क्षति नहीं पहुंचाता
Alieni solo - अन्य की भूमि पर
Aliter - अन्यथा
Animus - आशय, अभिप्राय, शत्रुभाव, विद्वेष
Casus fortuitus - अपरिहार्य कार्य
Casus major - असाधारण दुर्घटना
Causa causans - तात्कालिक कारण, निकटतम कारण
commune - सामान्य, साधारण
contra jus - विधि विरुद्ध
corpus - निकाय
corpus deliciti - अपराधसार
corpus juris - विधिसंग्रह
crimen incendii - जलाने का अपराध
crimen raptus - बलात्कार
De die claro - दिन के प्रकाश में
De die in diem - दिन प्रतिदिन
De droit - अधिकार का, विधि से, विधि-पूर्वक
De facto - वास्तविक, वस्तुतः
Dehors - बाहर, असम्बद्ध
De integro - पूर्ववत



Absconding in order to evade arrest
In light of such a situation
For sustaining conviction
The incriminating material stands fully established
Not able to furnish any explanation
Simply on score of absence of corroboration
No credence can be attached to such a recovery
Absence of motive puts the court on regard to scrutinize the evidence very closely to ensure that suspicion, emotions or conjecture do not take place of proof
Implicit reliance
Forced her to secure money from what parents
An innocent person may become panic stricken
tapes, cassettes are more susceptible to tampering and alterations by transposition, excision etc
Within all human probability that crime was committed by the accused and none else, and it should also be incapable of explanation on any other hypothesis than that of the guilt of the accused
The court has to be watchful and ensured that conjectures and suspicions do not take the place of legal proof
In the faction ridden society, where an occurrence takes place in a village involving rival factions it is but inevitable that the evidence would be of a partition nature
As to whether the accused arraigned at the trial is guilty of the crime with which he charged
Court has to judge the evidence by the yardstick of probabilities
They had withheld something material during investigation and embellished certain aspects during their deposition in the court
Whether the contradictions/omissions/improvements/embellishments etc. had been of such magnitude that they may materially affect the trial. Minor contradictions, inconsistencies, omissions or improvements on trivial matters without affecting the case of the prosecution should not be made the court to reject the evidence in its entirety.
Where the omissions amount to a contradiction, creating a serious doubt regarding the truthfulness of a witness
Inspire confidence
When the medical evidence is in consonance with the principal part of the oral/: evidence thereby supporting the prosecution story, there is no question of ruling out the ocular evidence merely on the ground that there are some inconsistencies or contradictions in the oral evidence
This flaw is occasioned by the fact
The standard to be applied for evaluating the evidence in the case of circumstantial evidence vis-a-vis an eyewitness account would very and a slightly different yardstick for assessment has to be applied
The Court should make every effort to disengage the truth from falsehood and to sift the gain from the chaff
She cannot give a very accurate and photogenic version as whole thing happened in a few minutes
Any amount of suspicion will not constitute legal evidence for sustaining a conviction
Discrepancies which do not go to the root of the matter and shake the basic version of the witnesses, therefore, cannot be annexed with undue importance
Neither wholly unacceptable nor wholly impeccable
As a matter of abundant Caution, refrain from accepting the uncorroborated, infirm testimony of the witness, and they caught the appellant the benefit of doubt and acquit him.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Expunction of disparaging remarks अपमानजनक टिप्पणी को निकालना 
to draw adverse inference - प्रतिकूल अनुमान लगाना 
patent errors of law - प्रत्यक्ष त्रुटि 
conclusive proof - निश्चयात्मक साक्ष्य 
paramount consideration - सर्वोच्च विचारण 
impinge upon dignity and respect - गरिमा और सम्मान पर चोट पहुँचाना 
distorted conclusion - विकृत निष्कर्ष 
substantial and compelling reasons - सारभूत और विवशकारी कारण 
good and substantial reason - उचित और पर्याप्त आधार 
glaring mistakes - महत्वपूर्ण त्रुटियाँ 
sine qua non - अनिवार्य 
last seen theory - अंतिम बार देखे जाने का सिद्धांत 
author of the crime - अपराध करने वाला 
these guidelines should be strictly adhered to - इन मार्गनिर्देशों को कठोरता से पालन करना
 अपीलार्थी का कोई आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड नहीं - no criminal antecedents of appellant
अपीलार्थी को तुरंत अभिरक्षा से मुक्त किया जाए - appellant is directed to be released from custody forthwith
words often used in FIR in North India
अदम तामील - cannot be served
अदम मौजूदगी - without presence
अहकाम - important
इमरोजा - proceedings of the same day
गोस्वारा - map
उज्र - objection
मुचलका - personal bond
मुसम्मा - male
मुसम्मी - female
रोज़नामचा आम - general diary
रोज़नामचा ख़ास - crime diary
बकुआ - place of incident
वकुई - date of incident
सफीना - a type of summon in which complainant and witnesses are called for interrogation
सहवन - by mistake
हस्ब हुक्म - verbal order
हाजा - place / premise
प्रत्यक्ष साक्ष्य - direct evidence
साक्ष्यों का मूल्यांकन - appreciation of evidence
परिस्थितिजन्य साक्ष्य - circumstantial evidence
पक्षद्रोही - hostile
महत्वपूर्ण बरामदगी - significant recovery
आलोच्य आदेश - impugned order
दोषसिद्धि - conviction
युक्तियुक्त सम्भावना - reasonable possibility
मृत्युकालिक घोषणा - dying declaration
रुक रुक कर - intermittently
घूर घूर कर देखना - outfacing 
अदम तामील - सूचित न होना

Terms often found in newspapers

  ephemeral - lasting for a very short time