Wednesday, December 4, 2019

words often used in FIR in North India
अदम तामील - cannot be served
अदम मौजूदगी - without presence
अहकाम - important
इमरोजा - proceedings of the same day
गोस्वारा - map
उज्र - objection
मुचलका - personal bond
मुसम्मा - male
मुसम्मी - female
रोज़नामचा आम - general diary
रोज़नामचा ख़ास - crime diary
बकुआ - place of incident
वकुई - date of incident
सफीना - a type of summon in which complainant and witnesses are called for interrogation
सहवन - by mistake
हस्ब हुक्म - verbal order
हाजा - place / premise
प्रत्यक्ष साक्ष्य - direct evidence
साक्ष्यों का मूल्यांकन - appreciation of evidence
परिस्थितिजन्य साक्ष्य - circumstantial evidence
पक्षद्रोही - hostile
महत्वपूर्ण बरामदगी - significant recovery
आलोच्य आदेश - impugned order
दोषसिद्धि - conviction
युक्तियुक्त सम्भावना - reasonable possibility
मृत्युकालिक घोषणा - dying declaration
रुक रुक कर - intermittently
घूर घूर कर देखना - outfacing 
अदम तामील - सूचित न होना

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Terms often found in newspapers

  ephemeral - lasting for a very short time